With millions of users and a growing number of brands on Pinterest, the marketing competition is heating up.
Diving into Pinterest analytics sounds a little overwhelming and time-consuming but do you know how important it is to understand what is going on with your Pinterest account?
Hearing about numbers could sound terrifying when it’s an unknown field to you but reading your Pinterest analytics is key to creating your marketing strategy and improving your Pinterest performance overall.
Well, don’t worry, today we are covering the basics to understand your analytics and how you can use them to grow your online business by driving more traffic and sales to your website.
Perhaps you are putting a lot of hard work to drive traffic to your site and get more views and clicks on your Pins but your traffic is not growing. And perhaps you are wondering, is this the algorithm? It could be or it could be not.
You need Analytics, a helpful tool that will save you time and money and help you understand the factors you can control to improve your Pinterest performance.
Pinterest is packed with helpful metrics to help you improve your content strategy and get a deeper view of your Pinterest engagement. Analytics is more than finding out which of your pins rank higher.
When you understand how to read and interpret analytics you can make informed decisions about your Pinterest Marketing Strategy, optimize your content and fine-tune your targeting to support your business goals.
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First, to access Pinterest Analytics, you must have a Pinterest Business Account. It’s crucial to have one before you focus on Pinterest Marketing.
Pinterest is a fantastic search engine you can use to grow your business so if you need some background to start with Pinterest for business you can go check our recent post Pinterest for Business 101 where we explained how to create a business account or convert your personal account into a business one.
Once you have a business account you get access to Pinterest Analytics.
Go to your Pinterest Business Hub and select the Analytics Overview:
First off, on the left side of your screen, you’ll see different filters you can set for your metrics, such as date range, content type, device, age, gender, and source.
You should set all these filters however you want to see your metrics on screen before reading them. This will be set based on what you are looking at. So, if you want to check, for example, how your impressions are going on a specific date, you should first set up that date range. You can set the Pin format you want to visualize as well.
The overview tab is where you get the full picture of your overall performance on Pinterest. But what exactly do all those metrics mean? We are going to break down this together.
The number of times your Pins were shown on screen. Keep in mind that the same user can log multiple impressions and it must not be confused with how many times people click through to your site. If you see a high pin impression it could be a sign that your content is on trend or that your keywords are working with the Pinterest algorithm.
Pins with high impressions mean that people are looking for that content so make sure you’re creating more of this content for your site and Pinterest. Impressions tell us how many people have potentially been shown all the content on your account.
The number of engagements your Pins create, this number includes clicks, saves, close-ups and carousel card swipes.
Now, you could compare this metric to your impressions numbers. Why? You don’t want people to scroll down and not stop on your Pins. So, what really matters to you is how many times people are clicking and saving your content.
You want your pins to be click worthy. Think about how to improve your pin design. Pins with high saves and clicks tell us that people could be in planning mode and they will be ready to visit your website when they are ready to take action.
The number of users who have seen or saved and engaged with your Pins. Pinterest defines this metric as people who have viewed pins you’ve saved both organic and promoted as well as any pin that has been saved from your claimed website and, unlike impressions, this metric tells you how many individuals saw your Pin.
The number of users who engaged with your Pins.
If you scroll down a little bit you’ll see the table Performance Over Time. There you’ll find a drop-down where you can choose between different metrics. You can filter by those metrics and compare the ones you think are relevant to your business.
We suggest you check the Impressions within a large window of time. As things on Pinterest take time, watching your daily numbers won’t give you the right situation. This is why we recommend using 30, 60, or 90-day periods.
So you can see all these things on this table but in addition, you can also choose on the right side of your screen to split it into different categories that will help you understand better the performance of your content like Paid and Organic Content.
The metrics you should track will depend on the industry you are in, your customers and many different factors such as your specific business goals. However, we know that’s a lot of info so, we want to dive into some pretty important metrics on this drop-down you should be paying attention to the most: Engagement rate and Outbound Click Rate.
Why? they give us more information than just a simple number. When these rates grow we know for sure our content is arriving at the right audience and our designs are click worhty and high quality. And this is what you need to pay attention to when evaluating your content performance.
So, the engagement rate is the total number of engagements with your Pins divided by the total number of times your Pins were on screen. Engagements include clicks and saves.
And why is this metric so important to us? It shows our content is being shown to the right audience, and they consider it appealing and relevant. It means your pin designs are capable of catching your audience’s attention.
Acknowledging which pins perform the best will help you in making decisions like what content you should be promoting or how to design your pins in the future to capture the attention you want.
Something we get asked a lot is: what’s a great engagement rate?
Even though there is no rule to calculate when your numbers are doing well when this metric is about 5% it shows great performance.
However, you should always compare your Engagement Rate with your previous Engagement level.
This metric shows the total number of clicks to the destination URL in your Pin.
If your numbers on these metrics are about 1% it means that people want to learn more about your content and your call to action is probably working.
When your outbound click rate is performing well it shows your content is giving a solution to what people are looking for.
Remember not everything is about beautiful imagery: Pinterest is a search engine and people go there to find a solution to their problems or to get inspired.
Oftentimes we wonder: how many times should I check my Pinterest Analytics? And the answer is not every day!! It’s not a crime to do it once in a while but keep in mind that to do a proper analysis of your metrics you should be tracking them once every three months, by quarters. You could track your metrics each month but, as we mentioned before, we recommend using 30, 90, 120, 160 day periods.
Your performance on Pinterest will depend on a few things like your Pinterest marketing strategy, trends, your content and the time of the year you are at. So we recommend checking the Analytics and comparing, for example, Q1 2022, with Q1 2021, so you can have a better insight into your content performance as people should be searching for the same kind of content during the same period of the year.
If you see a drop in performance, don’t panic. If your impressions diminished it could be related to seasonal content. Take these into consideration: what is your content all about? If you specialize in DIY and your pins went viral on Christmas, your Q1 is probably going to drop in comparison to the Q4
If your impressions are diminishing first check if you are not breaking any Pinterest policy guidelines rules. Contact Pinterest at help.pinterest.com and check if your account has been mistakenly flagged as spam. It happened to a few of our clients, and once they “unflagged” us, things returned to normal.
However, If all your numbers dropped significantly you might want to dig a bit and think about how to solve it. As we mentioned, some metrics will depend on things like your marketing strategy and your content.
eg: Impressions often change towards trends. You might wonder: how do they come up with all these trends? Well, Pinterest, as you probably already know, is this huge visual search engine, which makes Pinterest a great place to identify visual or aesthetic trends. So, trend predictions are those topics that have the potential to be major topics.
Luckily, there are many tools to help us grow and identify them so you can plan and shape your content. Here are some we love:
We use the Pinterest Trends tool to know exactly when people are searching for our relevant keywords. Pinterest Trends is a super helpful tool you can use to make scroll-stopping content. Pinterest Trends are keywords that people have been actively searching for so you can define and plan your content strategy.
This tool has been updated recently (2025) so I highly recommend you visit the tool and take a look. I’m sure you will find a ton of interesting information.
Pinterest Predicts is Pinterest’s annual round-up of predictions of what’s going to be trending. All these predictions are based on Pinterest search activity throughout the year. Although this is all about predicting, Pinterest pretty much nailed it last year, as they got 80% of their predictions right for 2024.
Yes, 8 out of 10 of their predictions for 2024 came true. This time, for 2025, Pinterest has served up 20 trends, and we certainly recommend keeping an eye on their reports.
Creator Monthly Trends tool shows the latest monthly trends on Pinterest. Plus, there’s also a form you can fill out to submit your content. If you follow their monthly prompts you might get the chance to get your Pins shared on Pinterest’s Today Tab which is amazing.
This allows you to reach with your content to people who may not know you. We had the chance to be featured a few times, once our clients’ Idea Pin got 5 million impressions in just one day!
They both give you different information, the numbers on both platforms will hardly ever match. For this reason, you should be paying attention to both of them, but you should know that Pinterest will have larger numbers because they have the chance to track more conversions than Google Analytics.
However, how to use Google Analytics for Pinterest is a whole other topic we would like to cover in further posts.
If you are just starting with your Business Pinterest account and you are looking for some extra help to make money on Pinterest you can read our latest posts
Affiliate Marketing: How to make money on Pinterest
This post tends to be an updated guide through the basics of Pinterest Analytics so it can help you make decisions based on your Pinterest performance and measure your progress towards your own goals.
But hey, remember Fresh Pins Creators helps entrepreneurs and content creators use and manage Pinterest to grow their online business so, if that is a goal you are aiming to, don’t forget to check our services. Get in touch with us to help you decide which one would suit your online business!